Urinary Tract Infection and its Permanent Homeopathic solution!!

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A second common infection in mankind after respiratory tract infection is urinary tract infection. A very common infection

seen in women, a majority of women experiences this kind of infection at any point once in a life.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection involving kidneys, ureters, bladder and/or urethra. If infection involves
upper urinary tract (composed of kidneys and ureters) is called Pyelonephritis AND if it involves lower urinary tract
(composed of bladder and urethra) is called as Cystitis and Urethritis respectively.

Common in Adults than Children, Women than men. Pregnant women are at higher risk.
UTI is non-contagious.

Causes :

In a majority of cases, E. Coli bacteria which usually reside in bowels are the culprit one for UTIs. Others being sexually transmitted infections The infection starts at the opening of the urethra where urine leaves the body and moves upwards the tract.

1. Poor hygiene
2. Any kind of blocks in the urinary tract such as kidney stones
3. Certain medical conditions causing incomplete evacuation of bladder such as Spinal cord injury
4. Decreased level of Oestrogen in postmenopausal women
5. Conditions of suppressed Immune systems such as HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, post chemotherapy status etc
6. Sexually inactive persons
7. Enlarged prostate in men
8. Catheterisation for longer period
9. Babies born with tract abnormalities such as Vesic ureteric reflux…
10. A recent urinary procedure


1. Difficulty in urination – patient may experience pain and/or burning micturition
2. Increased Frequency of urination – in daytime and also at night time (Nocturia), increased frequency usually with small amount of urine
3. Urinary urgency
4. Bad smelling urine
5. Bloody urine
6. Fever with chills
7. Nausea, vomiting in upper urinary tract infections
8. Flank pain

In children, these classic symptoms may not be found but the mother should suspect UTI if her child has …

1. Change in urination pattern, crying while urinating
2. Poor feeding with irritability, loss of bowel control

Diagnosis :

1. Urinalysis shows presence of white blood cells & pus cells
2. Urine culture
3. Ultrasound examinations to evaluate kidney and bladder problems
5. Intravenous pyelogram
6. Cystoscopy
7. CT scan of the urinary tract where needed

Self Care Measures:

1. Drink plenty of water
2. Avoid coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, carbonated drinks
3. Load up on Vitamin C for a healthy urinary tract
4. Soothe UTI pain with heat pad
5. Maintain proper hygiene, keep the parts cleaned after each act of urination and sexual intercourse
6. Add high fibers food in diet

How Homeopathy helps??
Recurrent UTI is strongly indicative of poor immunity as body contracts every slightest infection.
There number of remedies in Homeopathy which can come to aid for UTI based on its indications.
It is important to consult your Homeopath so that he can understand your constitution i.e. your individual physical & mental makeup upon which he can prescribe the best-suited remedy for you which will relieve you from acute pain and infection and will take of future ailments also.
few indicated remedies are:
1. Apis Mellifica – burning smarting pain, urine with albumin, urine more than he drinks water, difficult to control once urge for urine.
2. Cantharis – Intolerable urging with dribbling urine and severe pain. urine with blood. Also indicated in Acute nephritis.
3. terebinth. – burning pain in urine and in kidney region (lower back), thick urine with sediments, scanty urine with pain between navel and bladder.

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