Tathya Healing club

Tathya Healing Club

There goes a famous saying "not all heroes wear cape, some wear white coats” extending it a little further “not all heroes even wear white coats".

Men in white coat have been revered as ones healing those sick through their knowledge and experience since ages, but not all healers don white coats…
Not being a doctor does not stop one from their inner desire to help the society through their skills and efforts because healing does not always means medicines!!!

What we mean to say is healing does not only come through doctors and medicines, scalpels and knives, healing comes through different avenues to one who are ready to get healed!!!

Eventually with almost a decade of practice and analysis we have experienced the need of various modules of healing as simple as viz.

  • pep up talks by a patient to another patient in waiting room which proves to be therapeutic or catalyst in healing process.
  • following a hobby increases the fold of action of medicine
  • it decreases the span of medication and many such observations gave us food for thought.

So, here is what the thought resulted into -
Pooling all such skilled individuals though not doctors and helping them extending their healing power to masses and in turn patients being benefited from the same.
Here we act as a medium to channelize the proper modalities by you to the ones who need.

If you have been passionate about helping people making even smallest change for the society here comes opportunity knocking at your door. Register yourself with your with us and your wish has been granted.

So, you can donate your time, your skills, share your ideas about healing and we shall help you make it real or just the desire to be a part of it and we shall chalk out a role for you according to your individuality.

Few initiative from our side will be:

  1. Healing large group of people through various camps at your society, office, schools near you.
    Here you can organize camp at your premises or volunteer to extend your services and time at such events.
  2. Healing through activities like lectures about diet, yoga/meditation practices.
  3. Healing through awareness about your disease and ways to manage them well.
  4. Healing at your hands 24x7 with our comprehensive 20 medicines Homeopathic Home-kit.


Who can register?

Any layman with some knowledge or skills which he/she feels will help people in recovering from their disease or improving the quality of their life.

ex. 1: diet and cooking has major role in restoring and preserving health and you are good at it come share our knowledge.
You are a good storyteller, let us arrange a storytelling session.

Are there any charges for registrations?

No, not at all!!! You just have to register and your knowledge, skill and time is our revenue earned

Who can take benefit?

Any registered member at our clinic can avail benefits of this services.