Menstrual Problems and their Homeopathic solution!!

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Menstrual Disorders

In simple words, menstrual disorders may be understood by following terms…

Amenorrhoea – Absence of bleeding
Dysmenorrhoea – Painful bleeding
Menorrhagia – Heavy bleeding
Metrorrhagia – Bleeding in between periods.

Amenorrhoea :

Amenorrhoea can be of 2 types based on aetiological factors. Physiological conditions being childhood (upto puberty),
old age (After menopause), Pregnancy and Lactation. Pathological has 2 types of causes – Primary and secondary.

Primary Amenorrhoea may be caused by conditions like certain developmental abnormalities like congenital absence of
uterus and many others, pituitary gland diseases, ovarian insufficiency, certain genetic diseases.

Secondary Amenorrhoea can be contributed by birth control use, side effects of certain medications, hormonal shots,
emotional stress. Pathological condition are Pituitary gland tumors, Thyroid glands disorders, Polycystic ovary syndrome, other ovarian cysts, Asherman’s syndrome…

Dysmenorrhoea :

Painful menstrual periods in which a woman experiences crampy lower abdominal pain which can be sharp or aching, back pain
may also be present.

Primary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that occurs around the time that menstrual periods start first begin in otherwise healthy
women. No underlying pathology is found, only increased activity of hormones is thought to play a role.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that develops later in life because of certain pathology, such as
1. Endometriosis
2. Fibroids
3. IUDs
4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
5. Premenstrual Syndrome
6. Sexually Transmitted/Transmittable Diseases
7. Stress and Anxiety

Home Care –
1. Light circular massage over lower abdominal area
2. Apply heat pads
3. Eat light and frequent meals
4. Keep legs raised when lying down
5. Practice certain Yoga exercises
6. If overweight, lose weight
7. Regular walk and exercise

Menorrhagia :

Menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days and/or heavy bleeding causing Anaemia.

Causes :
1. Benign growths or tumors of the uterus
2. Cancer of Uterus or cervix
3. IUDs
4. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
4. Problems related to pregnancy like miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
5. Certain hormone related problems
6. Bleeding disorders
7. Thyroid disorders, liver/kidney diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease
8. Cancer
9. Certain drugs’ side effects (like Aspirin )

For diagnosis, Blood test, Pap test, Ultrasound, Endometrial Biopsy, Hysteroscopy, D & C
are helpful in different conditions.

Metrorrhagia :

Bleeding that occurs between a woman’s monthly menstrual periods, also called ‘Intermenstrual bleeding’ .

Causes :

1. Uterine Fibroids
2. Hormone level changes
3. Cervicitis
4. Vaginal injury ( caused by intercourse, trauma, infection, polyp, ulcers etc.. )

Homeopathy helps in restoring Hormonal imbalance:
Menstrual regularity/irregularity reflects the internal balance of Hormones in the female, hormones reflect general health.
Thus, taking up menstrual issue locally and treating just externally or with surgical removal of organs
does not help in correcting the internal imbalance.
Homeopathic medicines based upon various indications – addressing each individual’s case differently heals from within!!
The symptoms automatically go away and female regains internal and external healthy living.

Few common indications and medications:
Ammon. Carb.: menses too early, profuse and frequent. acrid burning leucorrhoea.
Mag. Phos.: menstrual colic, membranous dysmenorrhoea, neuralgic pain in ovarian region.
Sepia: irregular menses – late & scanty or early & profuse, bearing down sensation with/without prolapse of the uterus.
Pulsatilla: Amenorrhoea, suppressed menses, clotted changeable menses with debility.

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