Homeopathy – A way to easy dentition/teething in children!

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Teething in children varies in pattern from pain they experience to the all signs of teething, age at what they emerge and the age they fall off.
There are 2 types of Teeth in Human beings.

1. Deciduous teeth / Milky Teeth / Primary Teeth / Baby Teeth
2. Permanent teeth (after Deciduous teeth falls off )

Here we will discuss Deciduous teething problems in infants.

Babies have 20 individual primary teeth and they are divided into 10 sets between upper and lower jaw.

8 Incisors – 4 on upper jaw and 4 on lower jaw. The center 2 front teeth are central incisors and positioned on
milkytheir sides are lateral incisors.
4 Cuspids/Canines – They lie just next in line behind incisors.
8 Molars – Behind the lines of Incisors and canines.

Deciduous teeth/milk teeth usually begin to erupt around the age 6 to 12 months. Usually the corresponding teeth on
each side of the jaw come in during a similar time frame.
Symptoms can last for just a few days or for as long as several months if a lot of teeth come through all at once.
but there are some lucky parents whose babies do not have noticeable signs of teething at all. .
These are the signs of teething …

1. Excessive Drooling
2. Swollen and bulging gums
3. Trying to bite, chew and suck on everything
4. Rubbing her face
5. Change in eating habits esp rejecting food
6. Grabbing ears
7. Irritability and crying
8. A tooth visible below the gums

One must try some pain relieving methods to soothe teething pain and discomfort.

Nowadays teethers are available as a teething toy to soothe the pain, discomfort and babies’ gnawing urge.

Mild rubbing on gums with the clean fingers or washcloth

A distraction of mind of the baby by giving new toys, giving one on one time to her.

Take Care:
Diarrhea, fever and running nose usually not directly linked to teething process, Science doesn’t prove it.
But the possible explanation can be why many of infants experience these symptoms on first tooth eruption is
the babies’habit of frequently put things in their mouth to soothe their gums and they get sick from coming into
contact with infectious agents.So don’t wait if these symptoms persist for a longer period (>24 hrs)or gets severe even in first 24 hrs.
Late Teether Baby :
Typically first milky tooth emerges between age 6 to 12 months but today a wide age variation can be seen. So one
can wait till 18 months age of the baby without worry. But then after still parents don’t find teeth erupting, one
should contact their family doctor.

Homeopathy helps to make the teething experience as smooth as it can be for the babies and also helps in case of delayed eruption of teeth..

Few medicines which can help baby have easy dentition are:
1. Calc Phos- teeth develop slowly and early decay of teeth. tardy dentition with fontanelles are ope too long, vomits and diarrhoea easily.

2. Chamomilla – Indicated in sensitive, irritable, restless, peevissh child. difficult dentition with flatulent colic, green slimy diarrhoea, with/without
mucus in chest.

3. Kreosotum – In overgrown, poorly developed child, teeth decay easily with putrid discharges.

4. Silicea – Painful dentition with soreness of gums, with offensive odor from mouth and pain on taking cold water.
open fontanelles, large abdomen and nutritional problems.

5. Aethusa Cynap. – Dentition with intolerance of milk, vomits large amount of curds. painfull abdominal colic/contractions.
Crying, uneasy, discontent child.

You can also watch our video and know do’s and don’ts to help yourselves or your children in handling their children during dentition and its complications.

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