Boost Your Physical & Mental Health!

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You are what you eat! The secret to healthy life often lies in one’s reach – in one’s home i.e. kitchen, if only one remembers to look. From nutrient dense and healthy lentils and flours to natural alternatives to calorie – heavy processed foods, kitchen shelves are full of ingredients that are both healthy and delicious if whipped up the correct way. Here are some foods to boost your physical and mental health if consumed regularly.

A great alternative to empty – calories sweeteners like sugar, jiggery or gur is high on nutritional value, containing within itself a fair amount of anti-oxidants and minerals. Jaggery is an ingredient that can be eaten raw, or put in meals to improve its flavor. Along with boosting immunity, jaggery has great purification properties for your entire body, especially the liver and blood.

Another food that is great for the diabetics is the date fruit. This precious brown dry fruit contains loads and loads of nutrients, including potassium and anti-oxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acid. High in fiber and easy to add In dishes, dates are also great for the brain health. A diet rich in date palm fruits improves memory, learning and reduces the risk for alzheimer’s disease. Dates and jiggery instant mixes can be added in place of sugar in dishes, beverages to sweeten them, minus the health disadvantages of sugar.

Another traditionally available superfood is coconut, which is full of nutrients, whether one has coconut water, raw coconut, milk or even its oil! From manganese to magnesium, copper and potassium, consuming coconut can help you increase the intake of micronutrients each day. Sipping coconut water could also have the same effect as an activity designed to reduce anxiety, and have an antidepressant effect.

4. NUTS:
Add them to your desserts, or have a handful of them after soaking in water, nuts are wonder foos that are proven to be transformative for both physical and mental health. Along with improving brain function, almonds and walnuts are energy boosting foods that are a great snacking option in between meals. Pistachios, similarly, improve function in the brain and eyes and are a blessing for hair and skin health. Peanuts, too, make for a great snacking option and nutrition powerhouse.

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– Tathya Homeopathic Clinic