Before going to doctor – meet the doctor at home!!

Posted on Posted in Holistic Health

Salt and curd (yogurt): useful as an enema ( the most frequent use of an enema is to relieve
constipation or for bowel cleansing.)

Almonds: useful in an ALZHIMER’S DISEASES (a disease of brain that causes
people to slowly lose their memory and mental ability as they grow old.) Almond
prevents your brain from wastage.
2 almonds /day provide your daily vitamin-E requirement.

In monsoon asthmatic attacks
are common. Mg+ from fish is useful; you can get Mg+ from spinach also which
helps to increase the working capacity of your lungs and so useful in asthma

After exercise in gym: if you feel cramps in your legs, then take bananas as your
prescription; when you do exercise your muscles needs some vitamins and
minerals and banana is full of calcium and magnesium.  Don’t forget to take good amount of water.

If you feel your reading capacity &
memory is decreasing: take 1 cup of coffee before ½ hr of
reading; coffee without sugar; because sugar affects your small term memory.

For good vision: take boiled
vegetables or vegetable soup.

If your sperm count is less: pulses
will help you. 1 cup sprouts / day. Folic acid from pulses will help to
increase sperm count.

Cough & cold: take 2 to 3 cloves of garlic. You can use garlic bread too.

Daily 4 to 5 cloves of garlic
help to fight against cholesterol and help to control hypertension and from its

If you increase daily intake of Ca+ &
K+ in your everyday meal will help to maintain blood pressure.

Orange juice, yoga, meditation, and regular exercise (brisk walk, running,
swimming, skipping) also helps to control hypertension and prevent cardiac

#stayhealthy # stayblessed

Tathya homoeopathic clinic
Experience health with homoeopathy
+91 8866-87-7070

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