UTI- Symptoms, Prevention & Homeopathy!

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A urinary traction infection (UTI) is a very common type of infection in your urinary system. A UTI can involve any part of your urinary system, including the urethra, ureters, bladder and kidneys. Symptoms typically include needing to urinate often, having pain when urinating and feeling pain in your side or lower back.

UTIs most commonly occur due to the following bacteria:
• Escherichia coli
• Protus mirabilis
• Enterococcus faecalis
• Staphylococcus saprophyticus
• Klebsiella pneumoniae

People of any age and sex can develop a UTI. However, some people are more at risk than others.

The following factors can increase the likelihood of developing a UTI:
• being sexually active
• having difficulty fully emptying the bladder
• having a condition that causes a blockage in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones
• having diabetes
• having recently used a catheter
• having had a previous UTI
• having vesicoureteral reflux, a condition that causes the urine to flow backward
• having poor hygiene

In adults
Lower UTIs affect the bladder or urethra and can cause:
• a frequent need to urinate
• pain, discomfort, or burning sensation when urinating
• a sudden urge to urinate
• cloudy, strong-smelling urine that may contain blood
• the sensation that the bladder is not fully empty
• feeling unwell, tired, and achy

Upper UTIs affect the kidneys and ureters. As well as the symptoms above, they can cause:
• a fever of 100.4ºF (38ºC) or higher
• confusion
• agitation
• restlessness
• pain in the back and sides
• chills and shivering
• nausea and vomiting

In males
Males and females share the same symptoms.

In children
Additional symptoms in children include:
• a high temperature
• appearing generally unwell — for example, babies may appear irritable and not feed well
• vomiting
• wetting the bed or themselves

In older adults or those with a catheter
Additional symptoms of UTIs in older adults or those with a urinary catheter include:
• wetting themselves
• new shivering
• new shaking
• agitation
• confusion

In some cases, lower UTIs can lead to pyelonephritis. This is a sudden and severe kidney infection.
Symptoms include:
• fever
• flank pain
• vomiting
• nausea
• burning urination
• increased frequency and urgency to urinate
• fatigue
• shaking
• chills
• mental changes

If a person suspects they have a kidney infection, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Recurrent or long-lasting kidney infections can cause permanent damage. Some sudden kidney infections can be life threatening, particularly if bacteria enter the bloodstream in a condition known as septicemia.
They can also increase the risk of pregnant people delivering infants prematurely or with a low birth weight.

It can usually prevented with lifestyle changes. These tips can include:
• Practicing good hygiene:
One can often prevent UTIs by practicing good personal hygiene. This is especially important for women. Because the urethra in women is much shorter than it is in men, it’s easier for E. coli bacteria to move from the rectum back into the body. To avoid this, it’s recommended that one should always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement. Women should also use good hygiene practices during their menstrual cycle avoid infections. Changing pads and tampons frequently, as well as not using feminine deodorants can also help prevent UTIs.

• Drinking plenty of fluids:
Adding extra fluids, especially water, to daily routine can help remove extra bacteria from urinary tract. Drinking six to eight glasses of water per day is recommended.

• Change urination habits:
Urination can play a big role in getting rid of bacteria from the body. Urine is a waste product and each time you empty your bladder, you’re removing that waste from your body. Urinating frequently can reduce risk of developing an infection, especially if one have a history of frequent UTIs. Drinking plenty of fluids will encourage this, but makes sure to avoid fluids and foods that could irritate bladder. These can include alcohol, citrus juices, caffeinated drinks and spicy foods. One should also try to urinate immediately before and after sex. This could help flush out any bacteria that may have been introduced during intercourse. Wash the genital area with warm water before having sex. Don’t douche. This practice isn’t recommended by healthcare providers.

• Changing birth control mehtod: Some women have an increased risk of developing a UTI if they use a diaphragm for birth control. Talk to your healthcare provider about other options for birthcontrol.

• Using a water-based lubricant during sex: If woman experiences vaginal dryness and uses a lubricant during sex, then use one that is water-based.

• Change in clothing: Avoiding tight-fitting clothing can actually help keep you dry, preventing bacteria from growing in the urinary tract. One can also switch to cotton underwear. This will prevent extra moisture from getting trapped around urethra.

Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathy for reducing the urinary tract infection is showing great promise. Consultation from a professional homeopathic doctor is necessary to determine the range of treatment suitable for your infection.

1. Cantharis:
It is one of the most common homeopathic medicines for burning urination. It cures restlessness and also controls sexual desires. Doctors recommend these drops during decreased urinary output (few drops passing at a time), despite a strong urge to urinate.

2. Nux Vomica:
It is an instant homeopathic treatment for chronic UTI in an irritable urinary bladder. It is characterized by burning sensations, cramps, and extreme itchiness during urination. It commonly causes a person to become irritated and impatient.

3. Sarsaparilla
There are instances when UTI symptoms are unclear and not so common. Sarsaparilla is a lifesaver and the best homeopathic medicine for UTI in such situations. Dribbling urine occurs while the person is sitting and passes rapidly while standing.

4. Apis mellifica
This homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection reduces burning sensations that aggravate during the night time.

5. Staphysagria
Staphysagria is the homeopathic medicine for UTI associated with sexual intercourse.

For inquiry and consultation-8866877070
Dr. Mansi Joshi – Assistant physician
Tathya Homeo Clinic