A person with tinnitus often hears “ringing in the ears,” but they may also hear hissing, clicking, or whistling sounds. It can be temporary, or it can be chronic and persistent.
It can be heard as coming from one or both ears or from within the head. Research shows that most people hear tinnitus when they are asked to listen in a very quiet environment (i.e., when sitting in a sound-proof booth). Tinnitus is common and reported in all age groups.
1. Hearing loss
2. Ear infection or ear blockage
3. Head or neck injuries
4. Medications like NSAIDS, Diuretics
Others are Meniere’s disease, Eustachian tube dysfunction, ear bone changes, etc.
Tinnitus is a non-auditory, internal sound that can be intermittent or continuous, in one or both ears, and either low- or high-pitched.
The varying sounds have been described as whistling, chirping, clicking, screeching, hissing, static, roaring, buzzing, pulsing, whooshing, or musical.
The volume of the sound can fluctuate. It is often most noticeable at night or during periods of quiet. There may be some hearing loss.
Risk Factors:
1. loud noise exposure
2. Men are more prone to suffer from this.
3. Old age
4. Tobacco and alcohol use
A. Avoid loud noise.
B. Use hearing protection.
C. Limit alcohol, caffeine and tobacco intake.
D. Turn down the volume.
E. Regular exercise and healthy diet.
Homeopathic medicine for Tinnitus
In homeopathy medicine is selected after knowing the person and his complaint as homeopathy believes in individualization. Though there are some medicines listed below effective for tinnitus.
1. Kali. Mur.
2. Nat. Salicyclicum
3. Chenopodium
4. Graphites
5. Chininum Sulph
For consultation & inquiry : 8866877070
Dr. Mansi Joshi
Asst. Physician – Tathya Homeopathic clinic