Recurrent Corns & Homeopathy!

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A corn is a small, painful, raised bump on the outer skin layer of feet and toes.

Causative factors for corns:

An improper walking motion, but most are caused by ill-fitting shoes. High-heeled shoes are the worst offenders. They put pressure on the toes and make women four times as likely as men to have foot problems. Other risk factors for developing a corn or callus include foot deformities and wearing shoes or sandals without socks, which leads to friction on the feet.

• shoes that are too tight or too loose, or have very high heels
• Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
• Eating large amounts of dairy products
• Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids
• Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles
• tight socks or stockings
• deformed toes

Types of Corns:
• A hard corn is a compact lump with a thick core. Hard corns usually form on the tops of the toes, on the outside of the little toe, or on the sole of the foot.
• A soft corn is a small, inflamed patch of skin with a smooth center. Soft corns usually appear between the toes.
• A seed corn is the least common type of corn. Occurring only on the heel or ball of the foot

Symptoms include hard growths on the skin in response to direct pressure. Corns may be extremely sore and surrounded by inflamed, swollen skin.
• A raised bump which is hardened
• A thick and rough area of skin
• Flaky ,dry and waxy skin
• Pain under the skin
• Tenderness under the skin

Home- Remedies:
If you’re sure you have a corn, you can try one of these methods to manage it at home. You should also get rid of any shoes that are too small for your feet and other ill-fitting shoes.
File away the corn
It may be possible to remove the corn. Use these steps:
1. Soak your feet in a warm bath with Epsom Salts.
2. After the soak, pat your feet dry with a clean towel and moisturize with a hydrating lotion or cocoa butter.
3. Continue this process daily until your corn has softened.
4. After it’s softened and not painful, try gently rubbing the corn with a pumice stone.
5. If the corn is between your toes, use an emery board, also known as a nail file, to rub them.
6. Repeat these steps until your corn has disappeared, which may take a few weeks.
Apply castor oil and corn pads
If you’d prefer to not file away your corn, there are other methods. You can soak your feet daily as described above and then follow these steps:
1. Pat dry your feet and apply castor oil. This is a vegetable-based oil that you can purchase at your local pharmacy.
2. After moisturizing your corn with castor oil, protect it with a special corn pad that you can find at your pharmacy. Corn pads help relieve the pressure from the area so that the corn can heal.
3. After applying, make sure to wear socks that are not too tight and ones you don’t care for because the castor oil can stain. It could take several weeks for the corn to heal.

~ Wear comfortable shoes that fit your feet properly. Your toes should be able to move easily in them.
~ If you’re breaking in shoes, wear socks that are thick over your toes.
~ Cover the tops of your toes and sides of your feet with breathable bandages where they are prone to corns.
~ keep your toenails trimmed, as long toenails can cause your toes to be in an abnormal position.

Homeopathic Medicines For Corn:

1. Antimonium crudum:
for large horny, inflamed corns on soles of feet with stitching pains.
2. Arnica:
for very sensitive and very painful corns resulting from mechanical injuries in the past.
3. Camphor:
for corns with parchment-like skin that is cold to touch and cannot bear slightest touch.
4. Silicea:
for inflamed corns with burning pain in persons who are mentally and physically oversensitive.
5. Sulphur:
for corns in persons with unhealthy, filthy skin; aversion to being washed, worse after bath.

For inquiries or consultation: 8866877070
Dr. Mansi Joshi
Asst. Physician – Tathya Homeopathic Clinic

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