Chikungunya – Prevention and Homeopathic Treatment!

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The chikungunya virus infects humans through the bite of a mosquito. It causes fever and joint pain. It is rarely fatal, but the symptoms can be severe, long-lasting, and debilitating.
The chikungunya virus is predominantly transmitted by a bite from an infected female mosquito. In general, it is not considered contagious; however, in rare cases, the virus can be transmitted through contact with an infected individual’s blood.
The first sign of chikungunya will typically be a fever, followed by a rash. After the bite of an infected mosquito, onset of illness usually occurs 4 to 8 days later (but the range can be 2 to 12 days).

Symptoms :
Sudden onset of high fever (typically above 102 degrees F)
• Joint pains
• Headache
• Myalgia
• Arthritis
• Conjunctivitis
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Maculopapular rash (characterized by a flat red area on the skin covered with elevated bumps)

~ Chikungunya IgM
~ Chikungunya IgG

Lower Your Risk for Mosquito Bites:
If you’re going to a place that has an outbreak, you can do some things to lower your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes:
• Wear long sleeves and long pants.
• Stay in screened-in areas, or indoors where there’s air conditioning.
• If you’re in a place with no air conditioning or screens in the windows, make sure there’s a mosquito net over your bed.
• If you go outside without sleeves, wear a mosquito repellant that has DEET. If you need to wear sunscreen, put that on first.
• Dump out any standing water in things like flower pots in your house or hotel room.

Foods to take
• Citrus fruits. Food items which are rich in Vitamin C are generally advised for consumption after suffering from chikungunya.
• Coconuts. Coconut is helpful in three departments during chikungunya. …
• Homemade dal
• Soups
• Green leafy vegetables.

Foods to be avoided.
1. Avoid eating highly spicy and deep-fried food,
2. Avoid caffeinated beverages,
3. Avoid smoking
4. Avoid alcohol

Homoeopathic treatment for Chikungunya:
Once you diagnosed with the disease, you should consult with nearby homeopathic consultant or you can consult us.
Here are the few medicines for chikungunya listed below:

1. Bryonia –
Patient presents with fever with a full pounding pulse with severe dryness of mouth, with excessive thirst, often constipated, severe stitching pains, which are aggravated by slightest movement.

2. Rhus Toxicodendron –
Indicated in fever with polyarthritis and maculo-papular rashes. Pain and stiffness in joints, which is aggravated by first movement of joint or limb, but gets relief with further continued movement. Complaints often worsen in damp weather.

3. Eupatorium perfolatum
•Patients presented with fever and all kind of joint and muscles pain developed with or after febrile disease.
• Bone pains, general to severe. Soreness with marked periodicity of complaints.
• Aching all over the body and soreness of flesh.
• Swelling of joints.
• Intense headache with typical soreness of eyeball.
• Periodical headache.
• Thirst with fever.

4. China officinalis
• Patients presented with Intermittent fever with great periodicity.
• Intense headache during fever. Prostration both physically and mentally.
• Joints are swollen, very sensitive to touch and better by hard pressure.
• Debility and trembling of extremities.

For inquiry and consultation-8866877070
Dr. Mansi Joshi – Assistant physician
Tathya Homeo Clinic