Winter & Food:
With winter slowly setting in, the body undergoes changes to keep up with the weather. For that, it requires a lot of vitamins and energy. In fact, a change in diet according to each season is a must, as it will help in supplying the body with the right fuel. Here are a few foods that you need to include in your diet this winter.
Honey: Honey is a good alternative to sugar and is used as a sweetener. But during winter you can use it all the more, as it keeps the body warm and helps fight infections and viruses that might cause cough and cold.
Green leaves: Green leaves like spinach are an ideal inclusion in your winter diet. Spinach is an anti-oxidant and is high in vitamin A and C. It is good for the hair and skin and provides iron, protein, and minerals, apart from vitamins.
Root vegetables: Root vegetables like carrots, beetroots, turnips and sweet potatoes are not only nutritious, but are also abundantly available during winter in their freshest forms. Vegetables like carrots are high in vitamin A, which is good for the skin and helps fight cold and other common infections.
Garlic: It makes our food tasty & It helps keep the body warm and has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help fight different winter diseases.
Winter & Skin care:
Winters are here and so is the time of dull, dry and pale skin. thanks to this cold weather. An overall lack of external and internal nourishment can all lead to itchiness, dry and parched skin and generally unhappy looking skin. So, it is time to take extra care of our skin and follow basic routines to keep our skin glowing even in this cold weather. These simple and natural tips are just what you need to follow for a glowing skin.
1. Moisturize Your Skin
It helps in keeping our skin hydrated and makes sure that the skin does not lose its natural oil. You can choose a plethora of natural moisturizers like coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, etc.
2. Drink Water Regularly
During winters, we tend to avoid drink water as we feel less dehydrated; however, we lose water from our body in so many ways without realizing. Refill your system with water and get a glowing skin without having to worry about dullness anymore.
3. Wash Your Face With Lukewarm Water
Hot showers in winters may relax your muscles, but nothing can worse for your skin condition than hot water. It makes your skin dry and flaky. We cannot switch to cold water bath, of course, but we can definitely save our facial skin by washing it with lukewarm water. This way you wouldn’t feel cold and also wouldn’t let natural oils slough off easily from your face.
4. Replenish Your Skin At Night
If you wish to see a healthy skin, you must not forget to replenish it at night when you are resting for about 7-8 hours. Indulge in deep moisturizing with oils before you sleep so you can wake up with a beautifully supple skin.
These handy tips may help you get through the harsh effects of winter and give you a glowing and happy skin. Pick your cues and get the skin you always dreamt of.
Winter & exercise:
1.You’ll burn more calories. Your body has to work harder to regulate its core temperature, meaning you’ll burn more calories in a cold weather workout that you would doing the same workout indoors.
2.You’ll do more for your heart. Just as your body has to work harder in the cold to regulate its core temperature, your heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. If you have a healthy heart, exercising outside can make your heart even stronger and build more endurance for harder workouts in the future.
3.You won’t forget your warm-up and cool-down. Cold weather will make your muscles even more stiff, making your warm-up and cool-down all the more important. When you step out into the cold for your workout, you won’t forget to give yourself a few extra minutes to warm-up and cool-down before and after your workout. Get in the habit of warming up and cooling down during the winter so you will continue that habit when the warm weather returns.
4.You’ll get much needed vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies are even more common in the winter when we spend more time indoors. Taking your workout outside will give you a good dose of vitamin D to help keep your bones healthy and protect against diseases and other health conditions.
5.You’ll be happier and more energized. If you enjoy the rush of energy your feel after a good workout, you’ll feel even better after a cold weather workout. Hot, humid summer weather can put a damper on your mood, but the chilly weather is stimulating. An outdoor workout will leave you feeling happier and more energized. As your body has to work harder to stay warm, endorphin production will increase.
This winter upgrade your health to the next level.
For inquiries or consultation: 8866877070
– Tathya Homeopathic Clinic