Rotavirus In Infants
Rotavirus infection is the most common cause of inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis), leading to severe diarrhoea in infants and children throughout the world.
Rotavirus is a virus that infects the bowels, causing a severe inflammation of the stomach and bowels (gastroenteritis). Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and children throughout the world and causes the death of about 500,000 children worldwide annually.
Babies and toddlers between 6-24 months of age are at greatest risk for developing severe disease from rotavirus infection. Adults sometimes become infected, but the resulting illness is usually mild.
Rotavirus infection is highly contagious. The incubation period is typically about two days.
Rotavirus illness typically resolves on its own after three to nine days.
Symptoms :
Profuse Diarrhoea
Vomiting in large quantities
Signs of Dehydration:
Increased Sleepiness
Decreased urine output
Excessive thirst
Dry mouth
Inalert baby, decreased or not responding to external stimuli
Less activity than usual
Sunken eyes
Usually the infection resolves in 3-5 days. Preventing dehydration is the biggest concern.
Have Plenty of liquids are important to cope up with Dehydration. Nurse your breast fed baby in small quantities at frequent intervals.
Give water in small sufficient quantity.
If needed, one must give oral rehydration solution to deal with fluid loss in the form of dehydration and vomiting.
Prevention :
Maintain hygeine as much as possible.
Wash hands thoroughly and often especially use of toilet, change of baby’s diaper.
Role of homoeopathy in Rotavirus infections:
Homeopathic medicines helps fast in controlling diarrhoea and restoring the lost energy of child naturally.
It further helps to improve immunity against the viruses and hence protecting against future infections!!!